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Small Business Academy for Migrants

Entrepreneurship in the Netherlands

You want to start your own business in the Netherlands. A great idea! But what should you think about? During the Small Business Academy for Migrants you will receive answers to all your questions.

About the Small Business Academy for Migrants

You will learn what you need to do if you want to start a business in the Netherlands. And that starts with writing a business plan. During the program you will receive help from a business coach. This coach helps you with the assignments you receive and answers the questions you have. 

After you finish the Small Business Academy for Migrants: 

  • You know what a business plan is and what you need it for
  • You will have made your own business plan
  • You know how to start a business in the Netherlands
  • You know the Dutch rules and laws about starting your own business 
  • You know what your talents are and how you use them in your business
  • You will know other people who also want to start their own business in the Netherlands
  • You will have presented your business plan to others

Practical issues: What does the program look like?

The curriculum… 

  • Consists of 14 sessions, 12 of which are training sessions of 3 hours each
  • Is spread out over 3 months
  • Is taught in Dutch at level A2
  • Has one main instructor during the program
  • Uses guest trainers with knowledge of specific topics such as marketing or finance
  • Has several guest speakers who talk about their own experiences in entrepreneurship in the Netherlands

You do not have to pay anything for this program.* 


You will have a coach during the program

Business coaching plays a major role in this program. Prior to the program we do our best to match you with a coach that we think can be the most help to you.  Your coach will not be present at every lesson, but you can always call or text him/her. At the beginning of the program you will discuss how often you will meet or how you will communicate. The coach is there to advise you, answer questions or just to discuss certain topics.


Aanmelden Ondernemersschool voor Statushouders

Je hoeft niets te betalen voor jouw deelname aan dit programma! 

Dit programma wordt betaald vanuit een subsidie van de Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) en is dus Gratis!

De startdata per gemeente van de Ondernemersschool voor statushouders zijn verschillend. 
We nemen zo spoedig mogelijk contact met je op. 

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Wat klanten zeggen

Teun (35)

Vragen of hulp nodig?

Kom je er niet uit of heb je vragen? Wij helpen je! Ook voor advies over welke lening, training of coaching het beste past bij jouw situatie. Chat met ons of neem contact met ons op.